Investigation of the Senses - Naturalia and Artificialia

November 06, 2018

If anything, this preparation is the materialization of eighteenth-century aesthesis: it is both the result of the practical hands-on investigation of the senses, something which can only be done through sensory perception, and of seeking beauty and perfection in nature and sensory experience. (...) The addition of naturalia and artificialia to preparations of human anatomy quickly disappeared though. The informed contemporary observer must indeed have understood and appreciated the references made through the use of lace and plants. However, it appears such references quickly became irrelevant, even if the preparation itself was still appreciated.

Source: Elegant Anatomy, The Eighteenth-Century Leiden Anatomical Collections. Marieke M. A. Hendriksen (2015)

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ID: investigation-of-the-senses-naturalia-and-artificialia


Tags: Boerhaave | COGWEB | Chinese | LSTM | Leiden | PGM | RNN | Ruysch | actors | aesthesis | agency | algorithm | analysis | anatomical | anatomy | androgynous | architecture | archive | artificialia | axis | black-box | body | botanical | brain | categories | categorization | channel | character recognition | chinese | classification | clustering | cnn | codes | cognition | collecting | collection | collections | colonialism | commodification | concept | conceptual-clustering | convolutional neural network | cost | counting | cut | cuts | cutting | datasets | demonstration | diagram | dimensionality | disgust | dissection | distance | domestication | elegance | epistemology | error | euclidean | evaluation | eye | figures | finger | forecasting | forensics | frame | freakish | geometry | gesture | gestures | gradient descent | graph | graphs | grouping | hacking | hand | hand writing | hands | hands-on | handwriting | hardware | history | human | human body | imagination | imperfect | inscription | instruments | joint | kmeans | knowledge | labeling | landmark | learning | location | machine learning | machines | materiality | meaning | measurement | memory | mnist | model | models | monsters | muscles | mystical | mythological | naturalia | nerves | nervous system | network | networks | neural networks | neural-anatomy | neuron | nonlinearity | observation | offline | online | ontologies | ontology | ontology-building | optimization | orientation | orthogonality | parallel | pca | perception | perceptron | perfection | performance | planes | poetic | position | prediction | preparation | preparations | projection | proportion | proportions | psychology | python | races | representation | representations | rhetoric | rnn | segments | selection | sensory experience | sensory perception | similarity | skeleton | skin | skull | skulls | space | sparseness | spectacle | spectators | speech | standard | statistic-ontology | statistical | statistical-ontology | svm | symbols | tacit | taxonomy | theatre | time-series | timeseries | tools | topological | training | treatise | trial | truth | type | typography | unsupervised | vision | visualization | wellcome | word2vec | writing | zodiac |